Micro PLC ONI. Expandable version. With built-in screen. 8 discrete inputs (4 as 0-10V, 4 as 60kHz), 4 relay outputs. RTC. SD card. 2xRS485. ethernet. Supply voltage 24V DC


LED luminaires "FHB" are designed for lighting industrial, warehouse, retail, and sports facilities. Available with brightness adjustment (dimming) in automatic or manual mode.


  • A wide range of products of different widths and lengths.
  • Convenient, simple and reliable way of fastening.
  • Resistant to organic solvents, fuels and lubricants and alkalis, have high electrical insulating properties and do not support combustion.
  • Low price.
Micro PLC ONI. Expandable version. With built-in screen. 8 discrete inputs (4 as 0-10V, 4 as 60kHz), 4 relay outputs. RTC. SD card. 2xRS485. ethernet. Supply voltage 24V DC

Design Features


Voltage type of supply voltageПостоянный (DC)
Supply voltage DC, В20,4...28,8
Supply voltage AC 50 Hz, В-
Number of analogue outputs0
Number of analogue inputs4
Number of digital inputs8
Number of digital outputs4
With displayДа
Number of HW-interfaces RS-2321
Number of HW-interfaces RS-4851
Number of HW-interfaces industrial Ethernet1
Supporting protocol for TCP/IPДа
Supporting protocol for MODBUSДа
Supporting protocol for PROFIBUSНет
Supporting protocol for CANНет
Supporting protocol for KNXНет
Radiostandard BluetoothНет
Radiostandard WLAN 802.11Нет
Radiostandard GPRSНет
Radiostandard GSMНет
Supporting protocol for ASIНет
Front build in possibleНет
Appendant operation agent (Ex ib)Нет
Rack-assembly possibleНет
Explosion safety category for dustНет
Additional program memory possibleНет
Supporting protocol for INTERBUS-SafetyНет
Supporting protocol for PROFIsafeНет
Supporting protocol for SERCOSНет
Explosion safety category for gasНет
Max. number of time switches0
Supporting protocol for LONНет
Supporting protocol for AS-Interface Safety at WorkНет
Suitable for safety functionsНет
Supporting protocol for Foundation FieldbusНет
Supporting protocol for PROFINET CBAНет
Rail mounting possibleДа
Memory size, кБайт4,096
Number of relay outputs4
Supporting protocol for DeviceNetНет
Wall mounting/direct mountingДа
Supporting protocol for DeviceNet SafetyНет
With optical interfaceНет
Depth, мм58
Supporting protocol for SUCONETНет
Max. number of addressable digital I/O-ports280
Supporting protocol for INTERBUSНет
System accessoryНет
Supporting protocol for SafetyBUS pНет
Width, мм95
Radiostandard UMTSНет
Max. number of addressable analogue I/O-ports102
Supporting protocol for Data-HighwayНет
Appendant operation agent (Ex ia)Нет
Height, мм90
Supporting protocol for other bus systemsДа
IO link masterНет
Supporting protocol for PROFINET IOНет
Supporting protocol for EtherNet/IPДа
