IEK, Group of companies and national movement WorldSkills Russia signed a cooperation agreement. Under the agreement IEK, as one of the leaders among the Russian manufacturers of electric equipment, will take a part in the creation of a national database of training specialists in the competence "Electrical work". During practical classes will be used electrical equipment of trade mark IEK.
Traditionally, the business partners of the international movement WorldSkills International (WSI) become industry leaders, implementing the production of modern technology and have their own know-how. The inclusion of the Group of companies IEK in the number of business partners WorldSkills Russia is the recognition of product quality and reliable positions IEK on the Russian market.
Cooperation of IEK and WorldSkills Russia began in April 2014, when IEK supported open championship WSR in Siberia. IEK became the first Russian electrotechnical company, which took part in organization of the national WorldSkills Russia in may 2014.
Professional training and assistance in personnel training of the electrical industry is one of the important projects of IEK. IEK organizes training activities of the professional community of designers of electric networks of specialists on installation and students of specialized universities during four years. On the basis of the company created a system of distance learning, which includes the whole range of educational activities - from e-courses and webinars prior to the field of technical seminars.
The joint work of the Russian representation of the international movement WorldSkills and one of the largest domestic manufacturers of the electrotechnical equipment will have a significant impact on the development of the system of training and evaluation of professional workers.
For reference: the WorldSkills International (WSI) is an international non-profit Association whose purpose is to increase the status and improvement of standards of professional training and qualification to meet national and international requirements.
Movement WSI including 72 countries that aspire to increase of prestige of working professions and to attract young people in productive sectors of different industries. Russia joined the WSI in 2012.