KREPTA 5 Plastic Enclosure ShchRN-P-12 IP40 IEK
04.01 Plastic housings
- 04.01.01 Plastic enclosures for KREPTA modular equipment
- 04.01.02 Plastic enclosures for TEKFOR modular equipment
- 04.01.03 Plastic enclosures for PRIME modular equipment
- Enclosures for installation of the energy meter (Metal-Plast)
- 04.01.06 Plastic enclosures for KREPTA low-voltage systems
- 04.01.08 Plastic enclosures for UNION modular equipment
- 04.01.10 Plastic enclosures with TETRA mounting plate
- 04.01.11 Plastic enclosures with mounting plate OTHER SERIES
- Product ID:New
KREPTA 5 Plastic enclosure SHRV-P-12 IP40 IEK
Product ID:NewKREPTA 5 Plastic housing ShRN-P-12 white door IP40 IEK
Product ID:NewKREPTA 5 Plastic enclosure SHRV-P-12 white door IP40 IEK
Product ID:NewCasing lock ШМПп with triangle key IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Tire support in housing (6 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Tire support in housing (8 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Tire support in housing (12 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Tire support in housing (18 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Lock with IEK key
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Plastic screw for ShchRN(V) IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-8 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-12 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-24 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-36 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-54 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-8 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-12 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-24 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-36 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-54 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Second level DIN rail mounting bracket for KMPn IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Blind front panel for KMPn-12/24/36 IP65 IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Blind front panel for KMPn-18/54 IP65 IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Plastic screw for KMPn IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-18 IP65 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-18 IP65 green transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-18 IP65 blue transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-18 IP65 orange transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-24 IP65 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-24 IP65 green transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-24 IP65 blue transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-24 IP65 orange transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-36 IP65 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-36 IP65 green transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-36 IP65 blue transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-36 IP65 orange transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-54 IP65 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-54 IP65 green transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-54 IP65 blue transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-54 IP65 orange transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-18 IP65 gray opaque IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-24 IP65 gray opaque IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-36 IP65 gray opaque IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Door for plastic housing KMPN-54 IP65 gray opaque IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Mini Door for plastic housing KMPN-2 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Mini Door for plastic housing KMPN-4 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewTEKFOR Mini Door for plastic housing KMPN-6 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Tire support in housing (4 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Tire support in housing (9 modules wide) IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Compact Plastic screw for ShchRN(V) IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Compact Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-4 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-6 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-8 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-12 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-18 IP41 black transparent IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Compact Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-4 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-6 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-8 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-12 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewUNION Door for plastic housing ShchRN(V)-P-18 IP41 white IEK
Product ID:NewTETRA 5 Lock IN-C 191614 with two keys IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (4 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (6 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (8 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (12 (24) modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (18 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (36 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (2 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (4 modules)
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Door for plastic enclosures (6 modules)
Product ID:Door for enclosures SHRV-P-24 PRIME white IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 3 Plastic enclosure SCHURn-P 3/10 IP66 IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Plastic housing ShRN-P-24 IP40 IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Plastic enclosure ShchRV-P-24 IP40 IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Plastic housing ShRN-P-24 white door IP40 IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Plastic enclosure SHRV-P-24 white door IP40 IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Hinged plastic multimedia enclosure 460x310mm IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Recessed plastic multimedia enclosure 470x410mm IEK
Product ID:KREPTA 5 Plastic housing SCHURn-P 3/10 IP66 IEK
Product ID: